Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
NEW INFORMATION!! *** Posted 6/25
Following a rain and unavoidable mud delay lasting most of the entire last week, we are ready to get started on the project again. We are beginning the grading and movement of materials into the infield and avenue of the facility. *** This leveling and site work will take approximately three days beginning on Weds. 6/24. When completed, we can begin the installation of the infield sprinkler system and reattachment of the outfield water lines.
Submitted by C. Douglas
Site Grade will be delayed for one week. We said we would be grading and leveling this week but instead, we will be working on the infields plus the sprinkler system and getting the outfields watered. With the sudden heat wave, we need to address the grass drying up as quickly as possible. Look for grading to begin late next week.
For now we would like to acknowledge all of the people who have been helping this week to get the plan in the works. We especially want to thank all of the sponsors and people who have been instrumental in the alignment of this part of the project. You've got to have straight baselines and baseball fields! It is amazing what it takes to complete a project of this size accurately, but the list of participants goes as follows;
Great job by Steve Padoris and Aaron Bell of ACHD! They worked diligently on the topo and survey of the area, and their meticulous coverage of the park has been a huge help in the placement of all of the lines and points used in the accuracy of this facility.
Thank you Ada County Highway District. Your support to this project is one that surpasses commendable. Your continued efforts to make this a success, and the efforts and personnel you have supplied to this is amazing. Thank you
Chanon Romo
Midge Kline
Tina Louie
Michelle White
Josh Sak
Chance Herron.
Your commitment to this community is very appreciated!
Thank you to Jim Coslett, of Rock Solid Civil LLC for his invaluable help! Jim is the Civil Engineer on this project, and will have a precision scaled site plan for us soon. This draft will show all of the items we plan to install in the first phase, and will be posted here for your review.
A big acknowledgement goes to Mark Connelley, Mark is doing the final design on the park layout and his help is greatly appreciated. It is great to have so many professionals on board.
Much thanks goes to Bob Arnold for his geo tech soil analysis on this project. Thank you for the geo- tech support, and the love of baseball! Bob is a huge contributor to the sport of baseball here in the valley, and we are glad to have him on our team.
Thank you to Jesse Hoseley, Skip Hoseley, and Garret Pig Farmer. They have been awesome at contributing to this stage of the project, and all of the other stages for that matter! You can find Skip, Garret, or Jesse just about anytime working at the park or helping Walt with some form of destruction/construction work or offering good advice. Volunteers of this caliber are greatly needed and appreciated!
People like Dustin Ferdinand of Ridge Line Construction in Kuna deserve a good pat on the back for his contribution. Dustin has been at the site working to clear debris and material, plus setting lines and cutting out the infields. He has been there to help when needed, and always willing to volunteer for any hauling or other work that might be impossible without a dump truck and skid steer! Thank you Dustin- you da man!
Glenn Walker of Architecture Designs Plus in Boise has spent considerable time on the design of the dugouts, concession building, and other structures in the park. These structures are now ready to be put to the site plan.
Glenn has done more than just offering architectural services to this project. He has been instrumental in helping to line up other professional services and discussions concerning this park improvement, and believe me, we couldn't do this without him.
Thank you Glenn!
Robert St Michell of JUB Engineering brought up the dugout design and got it ready for the site plan. His time and work has been invaluable to insure a safe and well built structure for the kids who will be using all four dugouts in this facility.
We really appreciate the efforts of Tom South. South Landscape Architecture of Boise has been preparing the layout of the sprinkler system and design of water usage on the fields. Tom's knowledge of these systems has been a huge help.
We also want to thank Joe Stear of Kuna Machine Shop for the contribution of the handrails for the ADA ramp. They have them done and ready to be installed. We will be back on that part of the project as soon as we have the infields set up and being watered. Please check back for more details on that soon. Community support on this has been amazing!!
Frank Baeta of Kuna has been at the park helping with baselines and layout. A member of the KBPRC, Frank is out there quite a bit and is a good volunteer to have around.
Thanks Frank!
A special thanks goes to Wil and Ben Douglas of Kuna for their continued help. The sons of the Director, Walt Douglas, both have been working on the shovels, rakes, marking paint, stakes, string, caps, and any other duties that come along involving tools and water bottles! They are there most days - and work hard.
Thank you to Manager Jane White and the Kuna Rental Connection for helping us with smooth rental transactions at the store. The Rental Connection has been very supportive of this project, and their supply of well maintained equipment has been a great help. Every time we need equipment it is ready when you arrive, and the machines are always serviced, fueled, and clean!
Thank you to Home Depot of Meridian!
Thank you Kuna Melba News for your continued support and acknowledgement!
We also want to thank the many sponsors and volunteers who have supported us from the beginning. As the project gets going further and the different stages are built, we will be advertising those organizations who helped with this community development. There have been many people behind the scenes who are working on this project overall, and their thoughts, advice, and considerations are greatly appreciated!
When all of the grade work is completed for this part of the project, we will begin the preparation of the flagpole and "star paver display" area. If you would like to purchase a paver for this area, please accept our thanks. Right now the pavers are priced at our special quick sale price of
4 x 8 - $40.00 8 x 8 - $65.00.
The pavers are not only helping to pay for the construction of the facility, but also the purchase of new bleachers and scoreboards. Along with other much needed items, they will also help to pay for part of the concession building and improvements along the street that are not being donated.
All pavers sold for this cause will be set in a 50' gold star pattern around the bottom of the flag pole in the park. This display will look out over the lower park and be accented by park benches and a pathway down to the lower green belt. A 50' lighted flag pole sporting a 15 x 18' flag, surrounded by a lighted 50' star. Don't mind me, but that sure sounds patriotic!
Please help with this project. With all of the plans and ideas being incorporated into this facility, we are asking for your support. It is for a good cause and you can get your name in Kuna history at the same time. These pavers are not the run of the mill cement pavers found elsewhere, they are constructed of quality clay and resins insured to last eighty to one hundred years and they look pretty cool too! We will be selling them again at the Kuna Days Information Booth if you would like to see the quality of these pavers. They make a great gift, and at the same time you will know that you have helped a great community project!
If you would like to purchase one of these pavers now, please click on the form at the top right and send it to us at the address on the bottom of the form. We will be buying the pavers for the flag opening on Kuna Days by July 22nd to have them on display under the flag if possible.
Thank you for your help.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Earlier Posting:
Monday's rain has put the project on hold. We are expecting to use some pretty heavy equipment in this part of the project, and using it in these muddy conditions would create even more work. Hopefully we can get started back up on Weds.
Thank you for your patience during these bad weather conditions. As a committee, we are attempting to complete the park as quickly as possible. With all of the volunteers helping, we know that when finished the new park will have been worth the commitment.
Please check the work schedule a couple of postings down for some updates and different work projects. We are always looking for volunteers if someone has a few hours to spare. We will supply all of the tools, the only thing we require is you'll need a sense of humor and you might need a water bottle.
If you think you might be interested in helping, please email your contact information to
If there is a rain delay or some equipment supply issue, we will contact you so you don't show up for nothing.
So if you want to work helping the community, come on out and lend a hand!!
Thank you,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Need a Summer Job? We are Looking for Volunteers!
We have started the field division in the upper field and are preparing to move into the lower field. We have about two hours of work left on the upper field that involves removing the dirt and substrate from the facility. It is this substrate that was underneath the diamond dust that needs to be preserved. We have been stockpiling this into the outer field for use in that area, and will be transfering all of the good dirt from the outfield "cut" into the new infield within the next week.
Below are the times we expect to be doing this work. All of these times are of course dependant on weather, but once you have contacted us we will gladly call you if there are any changes.
However, if you are in the area and just want to help on any of these days and times, please stop by. If you have equipment that can be useful, please contact me at;
Thank you for volunteering!
The week of June 8 work schedule looks like this;
MONDAY 10:00 - 11:30 am -1st crew - begin line setting on lower field. RAIN has set this back -it rained most of the night so the start up might be delayed about four hours.
Monday 10:00 am - 12:00 - 2nd crew finish grade and substrate removal on upper field.
1:00 - 9:00 pm Begin cut on lower field and Diamond Dust/substrate removal.
TUESDAY 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Tear down the center fence and dugouts.
WEDNESDAY 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Finish tearing down dugouts - am.
THURSDAY 10:00 am - 3:30 pm Till topsoil and additives. lay in sprinkler lines. Compaction of materials.
FRIDAY 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Resume installation of sprinklers in infield. Plug and redirect old sprinklers.
Mark avenue lines and cover inner facility grass area with top soil.
5:00 pm - Mark off dugout construction area.
TUESDAY / WEDS. The fields are still too muddy to proceed with the next step.* With a ten wheeler required for this step, we will have to wait until the ground drys and hardens a little more. PLEASE KEEP CHECKING BACK.
We will be removing the center of the facility only. This is to terrace the avenue area of the new complex.
10:00 am - 9:00 pm Roll up old backstops. Dissasemble old dugouts in the center of facility. Remove and roll up old foul line fence in center of facility. Load up of materials for storage.
Thursday and Friday; make up for lost time caused by rain out.*
10:00 am - 9:00 pm Start removal of material in avenue area. Terrace for drainage.
TRUCKS NEEDED FOR HAULING OF MATERIAL. Haul off distance less than one mile.
TUESDAY 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Install substrate for diamond dust in new infields.
WEDS. 10:00 am - 9:00 pm begin rolling compaction of infield. Application of new Diamond Dust and grade material. Building of pitchers mound, development of home plate area, base placement and compaction.
THURSDAY? FRIDAY? Start digging of dugouts 1 - 4
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Alright! We have started on the field division! This is the primary part of our project, and quite frankly it is great to be finally rolling on it. We started tearing out the old field after some careful measuring and remeasuring of the new fields. Undertaking this, is not something for the timid.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This project is made up of ideas submitted by people just like you who love the sport of baseball. Some of the ideas we receive are not possible on the field design at this time, but might be some day.