Thursday, July 23, 2009


The "old land fill" in down town Kuna has been removed and regraded. This unsightly mess had been a landmark in the City Center for many years, and is now residing at a more appropriate location east of town. The improvements and grading were part of a clean up initiative by the Kuna Baseball Park Redevelopment Committee, and performed by Dustin Ferdinand of Ridge Line Construction with material donated by Quality Sand and Gravel.
Much of the clean up was in preparation of the planned grade work to be performed between Second Street and the baseball fields. The relocation of the old storage shed used by the baseball association in Kuna, will offer added convenience to the facility and allow easier access for coaches and kids involved in any field preparation.
Clean up will continue with some weed mowing and straightening of the Grange Hall fence line. Complimented by the addition of an entry ramp plus gravel along the new pathway to the shed, this should complete the project in time for spring rain and mud next year.

Thank you Ridge Line Construction!! ......... Thank you Quality Sand and Gravel!!

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