Monday, March 30, 2009

Anybody out there have a rock hammer?

Spent the good part of a day trying to locate a rock hammer mounted on an excavator. Not much luck with securing one, but we did manage to secure some leads on a support system offered by one of the local equipment companies. This support system is offered to organizations that are trying to help improve their community. This possible sponsorship shows great promise for the future of our project. I will post more on that subject later for your information.

We would like to thank the Rental Connection in Kuna, for their generous support of the Park Redevelopment Project. If you have any needs with rental equipment whether it be an edger, mower, grinder, rototiller, or even a tractor, they have many items for rent to help you with your yard chores. They also have great rates by the hour or day.

We also could not have started this project without the help from the Lions Club in Kuna. They are a great asset to Kuna and the surrounding community.

With the delay created by the need for a hammer, we are looking at a week off of schedule. We hope to be back on track and rolling by Thursday the 2nd (with a rock hammer) and pour concrete on Saturday the 4th. Of course this will move the entire project back one week, but we will be making progress!
Unfortunately, opening day for baseball season is Saturday the 4th, so we will try to get the hammering done on Thursday so we don't interrupt the games.

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