Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back fill is getting "tampered" with!

The backfill on the retaining walls is going great. We had to put in over sixty yards of back fill material in the hole. Doing it in stages with the tamper running constantly, can take a toll on your and everyone else's ears! Thanks to a generous donation of material from Busy Bee Sand and Gravel - along with the donated delivery of material by Ray Russell, everything went smoothly. The back fill was directed and moved by Skip and Jesse Hoseley using their skid steer loader, with supervision duties by Jerry Gibson of Kuna. All of the compacting was handled by the KBPRC with a compactor donated by the Rental Connection in Kuna. The Rental Connection has been a major contributor to this project - with equipment donations and generous allowance of the time the equipment is used. We owe them a huge thank you!
The next stage is cleaning up the concrete walls and rolling the 3/4 road mix for the asphalt paving of the parking area. We are hoping to pave the parking lot area sometime next week, providing the weather cooperates. Installation of the ramp and pad concrete flat work will follow shortly after that, with the painting of the crosswalk and the parking spaces soon after. Signs and curbing will be the last step on this part of the project, and then it is off to the barricade installation!
We are also expecting to install a sidewalk and curb along the south side of Second St that runs the length of the ballpark (no time frame on that yet). We are planning to grade the bank along Second Street above the park and install a retaining wall in that area. Of course, all of these improvements are designed to add to the safety of the park, and we will keep you posted right here on the progress.
Thank you for following our project! To all of our supporters and sponsors - THANK YOU!! What a great community project this has become!


"The Community Building Store"

The KBPRC would like to thank the Home Depot for their support. At the Home Depot, they believe in more than being just another building in the community. They believe in building the community!

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