April 8th
A Big Thank You! - to everyone who showed up and helped out! The rain threatened all day, but held off until the end when we were finishing up. Channel 2 News showed up, and put everyone and the project on the five and ten o'clock news. Home Depot came out in force and the Lions Club was out to show their usual awesome community contribution and effort!
I can't say enough about the contributions made on Wednesday by the individual people themselves. A lot can be said about a person who volunteers on a cold rainy day for something that is a good cause, and that list is one presented with great appreciation. Everyone contributed tirelessly, so in no particular order, we would like to thank;
Lisa Solotky
Loren Rieb
Larry Lewis
Logan Manly
Skip Hoseley
Jesse Hoseley
Garret - Pig Farmer*
Jack Graham
Rob Beckwith
Cathy Douglas
Wil Douglas
John Stear
Layne Saxton
Frank Baeta
Ryan McGilivray
Todd McGilivray
Rachelle McGilivray
John Shull
Walt Douglas
* may not be his actual name.
Tremendous appreciation goes out to Home Depot of Meridian for their contribution of materials and labor.
The Lions Club of Kuna, for their extremely generous contribution of support and labor throughout the project.
John Stear of Kuna Welding, for his generous contribution of rock removal equipment and labor.
Dave Browning of Kuna Lumber, for his contribution of lumber for the footing forms.
Paul's Market, for supplying food and snacks to the volunteers.
Rental Connection of Kuna, for supplying the equipment needed for much of the project.
G & B Concrete, for timely delivery of concrete materials to the site.
Joe and Sean Stear of Kuna Machine Shop, for their contribution to the handrail for the ramp.
Arrow Construction Supply, for the donation of form rentals.
Glenn Walker of Architecture Designs Plus for the drafts of the ramp.
Robert St Michelle of JUB Engineering for the footing and wall design.
Jim Coslett of Rock Solid Civil Engineering for his help in negotiating the permit and review process plus Civil Engineering support for this project.
Channon Romo, Midge Kline, Tina Louie, Michelle White, and Chance Heron of ACHD for their support and help in the expediting of this project review and permits.
Thank you to the City of Kuna for waiving the fees to the permit and inspection.
The ADA project is about a quarter of the way complete. We have a lot to do, but we also have a good group of people to help us. Between weather storms and supply lines, we should still be able to complete the ramp on time. The ramp has been a good lesson for us. When we begin the in-ground dugouts, we will know a lot more about what we are getting into. We can't wait for that!!
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